* Export Character to Roll20
This plugin has been updated.
* Export Character to Roll20
This plugin has been updated.
GCA5 User Reference Guide.pdf
Updated entries for the Appearance / Biographical Data and Build Campaign Book dialogs.
Dungeon Fantasy RPG.gdf
Seven Secret Kicks
Unarmed Master
gives() added to each
removed an extra | in itemnotes() that was causing an extra Kick mode.
_Advantage: Unarmed Master Damage Bonus (Punch, Kick)
_Advantage: Unarmed Master Damage Bonus (All Modes)
modifiers added
I forgot to post this on March 23, as this change was included with the 5.0.212 release update.
GURPS Basic Set 4th Ed.–Characters.gdf
SK:Erotic Art added.
GURPS Basic Set 4th Ed.–Characters.gdf
Acute Vision
“+1 to SK:Body Language” added to gives()
GURPS Template Toolkit 3 – Starship Crew.gdf
File added.
Operations Officer (Starship Crew)
AD:Language changed to LA:Language
Steward (Starship Crew)
AD:Language changed to LA:Language
AD:Cultural Familiarity changed to CU:Cultural Familiarity
“Steward, Multi-Role (Starship Crew)”
AD:Language (Spoken) changed to LA:Language (Spoken)
AD:Language (Written) changed to LA:Language (Written)
AD:Language changed to LA:Language
AD:Cultural Familiarity changed to CU:Cultural Familiarity
AD:Cultural Familiarity (Alien Culture) changed to CU::Cultural Familiarity (Alien Culture)
AD:Cultural Familiarity changed to CU:Cultural Familiarity
AD:Language changed to LA:Language
AD:Language (Spoken) changed to LA:Language (Spoken)
AD:Language (Written) changed to LA:Language (Written)
* GCA Prime Sheet (1.0.9)
You can now print the character’s campaign log as part of the Background section of the sheet. The options for this are in the Background block, and are turned Off by default.
Dungeon Fantasy RPG.gdf
<Crushing/Imp Class Quality>
group removed
<Crushing Class Quality>
<Impaling Class Quality>
group added
GURPS Powers 4e.gdf
#MergeTags in “AD:Speak With Plants” with “page(P77)”
changed to #MergeTags in “AD:Speak With Plants” with “page(P77), mods(Speak with Plants)”
* GCA Prime Sheet (1.0.8)
Updated to include support for excluding traits that are in Transforms from being included in the general trait lists. This would result in them being shown only in the Transforms to which they belong. This may make keeping track of things easier when a character has many Transforms.
The option for this is with the options for Transforms, toward the bottom end of the options blocks. This is set to No by default.
* Official Character Sheet (now 1.0.23)
Updated the printing of Languages to work more smoothly when bumped off the front page (for the portrait block), and to print them properly (using the language grid that’s normally used, not as an advantage) when printed in the Overflow section.