Monthly Archives: January 2018

Addressing some broken bits


* Miscellaneous

If you click on one of the point boxes in the Status bar, and you’re in Classic view, GCA will change to that tab.

When saving a trait to a GDF file, GCA was erroneously deleting the step() tag for attributes. Deleting the tag for other trait types is correct, but it is required for attributes to function correctly. That is now fixed.

Fixed a crash bug in the Save as Book function of the Build Campaign Book window.

Some bugs were identified in the new updater code in GCA, so those have been addressed.

The XML writing code for GCABonus overlooked writing out target name extensions, turning all specific bonuses into general bonuses for all saved and re-loaded characters. That has been fixed.

When pasting traits into a character, GCA was not correctly handling a temporary parent-child relationship tag that was being created automatically as part of XML processing, but wasnt’ needed for the pasting process. This caused problems when the character was saved and loaded again later. That temporary tag is now being removed during processing.


Updated with the missing ‘targetext’ element for GCABonus.