More bits, rapid fire (b141)


I’ve disabled the Help menu’s Contents, Index, and Search items because I haven’t written any help files yet.

I’ve removed the Tools menu’s Customize item because it’s not used.

In Current Character Options, the Trait List Grouping box was chopped off and unusable. That should be fixed.

* Bonuses

Possible breaking change! Please be alert to your bonuses!

For ages, GCA has treated a bonus with a value of zero as ‘not applicable’ and therefore not applied to a trait. This is technically true for additive bonuses, but technically false for multipliers. A multiplier of 1 should be effectively non-applicable, since it changes nothing.

GCA was using this value of 0 as being non-applicable to allow it to remove bonus relationships, such as when setting the granting trait to level 0, or when GCA wants to remove the bonus entirely from the system, such as when deleting the granting trait. This allows for easier cleanup and ensures no ‘ghost’ bonuses remain.

I have now implemented a change to how this works.

Bonuses now have an IgnoreMe flag, which is set to True when the granting trait drops to level 0 or when GCA wants to remove the bonus effects. Now GCA sets IgnoreMe to True where it previously set Value to 0. Now, GCA checks for IgnoreMe = True instead of Value <> 0 when it determines if a bonus should be included in bonuses applied to a trait.

This means a multiplier of 0 should work as you’d expect, and it is now possible to apply a *0 bonus to zero out a value, instead of having to try to subtract the base value or some other workaround.

Sometimes this type of change has unexpected consequences and unforeseen follow-on effects. I’ve done some testing, and things seem to be working, but my personal testing definitely doesn’t reach into all corners. And I just plain overlook things sometimes.

So, this is a bigger architectural change than I anticipated making at this point, but it’s one that I think should have been made long ago. So I made it.

It should just work, but please watch for weirdness.

* GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 1 – Adventurers.gdf

Removed “GURPS Power Ups 3 Talents.gdf” from the LoadAfter header line.

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