Author Archives: Armin

Package Updates

New book added, thanks to David Trimboli:

GURPS Powers 4e – Sample Powers

Please read the description of this file for usage notes.

New books added, thanks to T.R. Brown:

GURPS Fantasy Folk Elves.
GURPS Fantasy Folk Goblins.
GURPS Fantasy Folk Kobolds.

Package Updates

Dungeon Fantasy RPG.gdf


~_New Enchantment, [cost]
tier(1) was changed to tier(2)

In the listing below, each enchantment is listed with each modifier group to which it belongs. In every case, tier(2) was added to the modifier as found in that group.

<Melee Quality>
<Bow Quality>
<Crossbow Quality>

Continual Light

Defending Weapon
<Melee Quality>

Defending Shield


Flaming Weapon
<Melee Quality>


Icy Weapon
<Melee Quality>


Lightning Weapon
<Melee Quality>

Penetrating Weapon
<Melee Quality>
<Bow Quality>
<Crossbow Quality>

<Melee Quality>
<Bow Quality>
<Crossbow Quality>

<Melee Quality>
<Bow Quality>
<Crossbow Quality>

Package Updates

GURPS Powers 4e.gdf
// #Clone “AD:Air Talent” as “AD:Cosmic Talent”
Line commented out

Cosmic Talent, 15/30, upto(4), page(P121,P167-169), cat(Supernatural, Mental, Talents – Powers), mods(_Talents, _Power Talents),_
blockat(@max(ST:HT÷2 + 3 + me::physicalpowerblock,ST:Will÷2 + 3 + me::mentalpowerblock)),_
=+@textindexedvalue( $modetag(mode),_
({Power Dodge}, me::powerdodge),_
({Power Block/Mental}, me::mentalpowerblock),_
({Power Block/Physical}, me::physicalpowerblock)_
) to me::skillscore$,_
+1 to SK:Skill Name Here, +1 to SK:Skill Name Here_
newmode(Power Dodge, skillused(ST:Basic Speed + 3)),_
newmode({Power Block/Physical}, skillused(ST:HT÷2 + 3)),_
newmode({Power Block/Mental}, skillused(ST:Will÷2 + 3)),_
powerdodge(-ST:PowerDodgeBase + @int(ST:PowerDodgeBase + (me::level/2))),_
mentalpowerblock(-ST:PowerBlockMentalBase + @int(ST:PowerBlockMentalBase + (me::level/2))),_
physicalpowerblock(-ST:PowerBlockPhysicalBase + @int(ST:PowerBlockPhysicalBase + (me::level/2)))
Line added (Cosmic Talent was there based on a cloned trait, but the cost was wrong. It was easiest to fix it with a new entry for it).

Package Updates

GURPS Prime Directive 4e.gdf
rkbrown has updated the GURPS Prime Directive worldbook to be in line with the 2020 Revised edition of the book which changes several of the Templates included and adds a few new ones.

Package Updates

GURPS Thaumatology 4e.gdf
<Magery 0>
Limited Colleges (%CollegesList%), -40%/-30%, round(up), upto(1), levelnames(,), group(Magery 0), page(Th24), formula(-10% * (5 – (%CollegesCost4% + %CollegesCost3% + %CollegesCost2% + %CollegesCost1%))), forceformula(yes),_

Limited Colleges (%CollegesList%), -40%/-30%, upto(1), levelnames(,), group(Magery), page(Th24), formula(-10% * (5 – (%CollegesCost4% + %CollegesCost3% + %CollegesCost2% + %CollegesCost1%))), forceformula(yes),_

In both of these, removed that % sign after -10 at the start of the formula().

Package Updates

Pyramid 3-83 – Knowing Your Own Strength.gdf
Added entries for one- and two-handed lift.

One-Handed Lift,
basevalue( 2* @round(2 * 10 ^ (ST:One Arm Lifting ST::score / 10),@if(ST:One Arm Lifting ST::score <= 7 then 1 else 0)) ),
maxscore(1000000), minscore(0), page(B353)
Two-Handed Lift,
basevalue( 8* @round(2 * 10 ^ (ST:Two Arm Lifting ST::score / 10),@if(ST:Two Arm Lifting ST::score <= 7 then 1 else 0)) ),
maxscore(1000000), minscore(0), page(B353)