A few more li’l bits (b140)


* Miscellaneous

Some menu items on the right-click menu for trait boxes in Unified were not available when they should be. That should be fixed.

* Parent capacity

How did we go so long without having any indication that certain parents, such as backpacks, might be over-weight? I had to triple check that I didn’t have support for it somewhere.

I’ve added two new base item tags: weightcapacity() which specifies the maximum amount of weight a parent can have in childrenweights(), and countcapacity() which specifies the maximum number of child items (including multiple counts of any children) a parent can have. Both only apply to Equipment items.

Checking/calculating capacity also generates some other tags: weightcapacitylevel() and countcapacitylevel() which show the percentage of weight or count capacity currently used (will be less than 100 if not full, over 100 if over-full); overweightcapacityby() and overcountcapacityby() which show the actual value of the amount over capacity, or are nothing if not over capacity; and overweightcapacity() and overcountcapacity() which simply say ‘yes’ if over weight or over count, and will be nothing if not so.

Trait lists in Unified and Classic will now display a ‘fill’ level in the rightmost icon column, which shows the box icon indicating a parent. If the item is over capacity, the background of that space will be filled with red; if the item is under capacity, it will fill from the bottom up as capacity is filled up, using green for weight or purplish for count, whichever is closer to full.

* Modifiers dialog

If a modifer has possible modifiers, GCA displays a tools icon in the first column. If the modifier is on a non-standard tier, the tier number is also displayed in the first column. It should now be easier to see the tier number in the column over the icon.

* Info Pane

GCA should now change the mouse pointer into a hand when it’s over a page link in the Info pane.

GCA now defaults to launching a page link with a single-click, with the option for a double-click.

* TagDefs.XML

Updated for new tags above.

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