I sometimes wonder how some bits are missed (b177)

b177 (b176 was used only for the last Release Version.)

Modified the output of the character’s QuickRulesOptionsCode() a bit: it now defaults to separating the pieces with commas; the dice+adds code is now ‘d+a’; the allows stacking for Deflect and Fortify codes now spell those out; added ‘-deffrom’ for when default level discounts are turned off; now outputs ‘n/a’ when no codes apply.

On the main window’s Traits menu the “Bonus Granting” option was changed to “Active/Inactive” to match right-click menus. I also added the “Loadout” options that were missing.

Changed how Options sizes the options panels, in an attempt to fix an issue with Windows 11 when high DPI scaling is turned off.

Added an error trap to the code when export sheets are run, to catch run-time errors in the export sheets.

The independent routine that returns the weight of all unassigned items wasn’t properly updated when the routine that returns all unassigned items was, so it was still double counting unassigned items that are chilren when totalling weights.

Since characters were changed some time ago to always recalculate the virtual ‘all unassigned items’ loadout (because that’s used as the default for various things), I have now changed the calculation code in the character to use the weight of that loadout for the character’s current load weight when using the unassigned items loadout. It was previously using the routine that just calculated the weight of all unassigned items separately, which is an unnecessary and redundant call in this situation, since we already know that value.

Character equipment lists now use an adjusted DisplayName that includes modifiers, as the various other traits do. This means you should now see the applied modifiers listed (in ‘short name, cost’ format) with the item. This will automatically flow through all lists and character sheets that use DisplayName when displaying the lists (all of my sheets use DisplayName). This *does not* apply to Attack Tables.

The Sheet Options dialog will now cap the sizing of the options blocks to prevent them from getting unreadably wide or unusably narrow.

The Sheet View toolbar should no longer be obscuring part of the Sheet View area.

* Campaign Settings

Campaign Settings should now honor Tablet Mode.

I’ve made some changes when initializing Campaign Settings to try to help adjust for issues with the sizing of the boxes in Windows 11 when high DPI scaling is turned off.

Campaign Settings has been changed to be a sizable window. This should help with better fitting everything as the user would like when the window is scaled in size.

Because of the change to a sizeable window, I’ve adjusted where the errors list appears when there are issues. This now appears inside the content area, under the panel displaying the info boxes. This will resize that flow panel, so when the errors list appears, the boxes may be re-flowed.

I’ve adjusted the checkboxes to help with accessibility. I’ve also left-aligned the various labels to fit in with the checbox change.

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