A bit tired (b203)


* Bug fixes

There was a bug in the logic for calculating modifiers, so that rounding UP was restored if every modifier on a tier didn’t set it to DOWN. It’s supposed to set to DOWN if any modifier sets it to DOWN, and keep it that way for the tier. So, for a single modifier it worked correctly, but for cases where there were normal UP modifiers listed after a DOWN modifier, it would be wrong.

Some users have reported GCA crashing when one or more of the support files (usually an XSD file) is missing. GCA can still function without those files, so crashing is a pretty negative outcome. I have added checks to ensure those files exist before GCA tries to use them. GCA will now also send a message to the Log when it sees that such a file is missing, so that the user can try to Check for Updates to possibly restore it. (Of more concern is why those files are going missing. I suspect there may be a bug in the Updater that is deleting them but not updating them when it runs. I will be looking into that.)

When using Save as Template for saving a character as a template in a book file, GCA should now correctly *not* include traits that are already components of other traits that will be added. For example, if you included the Quadruped template on your character, and then saved it as a template, GCA would include Quadruped as an item to be added, and also include all the components of Quadruped as items to be added. That will no longer happen.

* Miscellaneous

Swapped the order of processing techlvl -> TL and TL -> TL to do TL first. This way, custom items can keep the standard techlvl() tag for when items of that type become available, and use tl() to set the TL of the specific item. GCA will no longer attempt the techlvl -> TL procedure if TL is already set for the item.

I’ve extended the #any and #none keyword support for name extensions to bonus targeting. So you can now target a bonus to a trait with a name extension of (#any) to target any variant of that name, and (#none) to exclude any that have a name extension. As with other such uses, you can use ‘of’ and ‘except’ clauses as well, so you could target a bonus to any Animal Handling specialty except Big Cats by using gives(+1 to SK:Animal Handling (#any except “big cats”)), or you could target only Big Cats by using gives(+1 to SK:Animal Handling (#none except “big cats”)). This extension also works with Conditionals.

Added ‘displaycost’ to the list of tags removed from trait tags when they’re being created from system tags or being resynced.

I’ve added the ability to change the order of your character’s log entries on the Campaign Log. You can now drag entries to new positions in the list, or you can use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move the current entry up or down a position.

* BookCodes.xml

Added GURPS Power-Ups 4: Enhancements.

* TagDefs.xml

Added ’round’ to the list of modifier tags. Adjusted the text slightly for ’round’ in trait tags.

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