I got yer bits right here

Addressed an element name case-matching error related to ‘launchcodes.xsd’ tripping an XML error message.

When GCA saves backup copies of open characters, it now saves current program settings as well.

In the Launch PDFs window, adjusted the base system folder used when browsing for the home PDF bin.

Added support for the ItemNotes system:

* Public Function ItemNotesModeCount() As Integer

Returns the number of modes represented in the ItemNotes

* Public Function ItemNotes(Mode As Integer) As Collection

Returns a Collection containing all the ItemNotes for a given mode. Collection will be empty if no notes are found. If Mode is < 1, data for first Mode is returned. If Mode is > Mode count, data for last found Mode is returned.

* Public Function ItemNotesModeCollections() As Collection

Represents a Collection of Modes, each Mode item containing a Collection of ItemNotes. (You have a collection of Modes, with count = ItemNotesModeCount(); each collection item contains a collection of item notes as per ItemNotes(Mode as Integer) as Collection.)

* Public Function ItemNotesText(Mode As Integer, Optional ByVal Sep As String = ” • “) As String

Returns all the ItemNotes for a given mode as a single string, separated by Sep. (Default Sep is a bullet.)

Updated some of the things in the Protection system:

* Layers

If using User Managed Layers, the markers used to designate correspondence between armor items and layer values have been changed to use capital letters instead of the various footnote symbols. Within the location’s DR/DB value strings, the letters will be within brackets. This system appears much more readable and much easier to cross-reference.

* Deflect and Fortify stacking

The way Deflect and Fortify stacking issues are flagged has changed. If using User Managed Layers, then the layer that has had its Deflect or Fortify value ignored due to stacking will have a lower case ‘s’ appended to the Layer marker within the brackets. If not using User Managed Layers, then the ‘s’ marker just appears in brackets after the value string.

If there are Deflect or Fortify stacking issues at a location, a ‘-s’ marker is appended to the layers ‘L’ marker in the location box title.

* Other

Updated the values displayed in the Layers listbox of the Layers panel of the Protection window.

Updated the Protection box in Compact View to include a list of the applied armor. Clicking on an armor item will now highlight in gold all affected location boxes on the paper-doll. Conversely, clicking on a location box will highlight the armor items that affect it.

Updated the drawing of thee Protection box to reduce flashing during self-contained redraws.

Updated the default display order of the boxes in Compact View: Protection now comes directly after Equipment and before Melee Attacks; Messages is moved to the end.

In the Options dialog, the active character in GCA should now be the initial character active on the Current Character Options tab.

Updated ColorBlockSheet character sheet to include a listing of the applied armor and shields for the current loadout in the Protection block.

Updated code in a bunch of places to make use of newer systems and references, and to correct some hidden bugs resulting from bad references.

Updated some menu item handling.

Updated the Random Character system, and added support for it to the ChoiceList dialog and some of the message dialogs. The system will now allow for creating multiple random characters from the selected character template, or simply applying the randomized character template to the current character.

Updated Options for the hide/unhide of the explainer on the Random Character dialog.

I have changed the IDKey generation in GCA5 to be sourced from the System, rather than independently per character. The character still saves the last key it was issued, and this serves as a floor for future key requests in case a situation should arise where the System last key is lost. The new System key floor starts at 10,000 and increments from there–unless given a floor above the current last key, in which case the new key jumps to floor+1. This new system should ensure that all IDKeys are unique for all traits across all characters across an installation of GCA5 — assuming that no existing characters already had keys over 10,000.

IMPORTANT: I was going to do something a bit more complex for the new IDKey generation, and therefore had changed the IDKey to use Long values instead of Integer values. Changing to Long values required touching a lot of places in the code, and some may have been missed. If you encounter an overflow error, or a math exception, please let me know! This is very unlikely to be noticed until the auto-incrementing actually reaches the limits of Integer values.

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